已发布 : Apr-13-2024

The Archdiocese of Toronto celebrates Volunteer Appreciation Week, from April 14 to 20.  This is in alignment with National Volunteer Week, recognized throughout Canada and established by Volunteer Canada.  It is a time to acknowledge our volunteers and the difference they make in strengthening our Church community through their dedicated service in parish ministry.

This year’s theme, “Every Moment Matters”, recognizes and celebrates every volunteer and each of the contributions they make at any moment.  Collectively, every moment of sharing in time, skills and empathy strengthens our community and answers the call to serve others as Jesus’ example and commission to us.  This is reflected in Galatians 6:10:  “So then, whenever we have an opportunity, let us work for the good of all, and especially for those of the family of faith.” 

FOR OUR MANY VOLUNTEERS:  Especially during Volunteer Appreciation Week, let us pray for all those who generously offer their time, talents, and resources to serve others:  that they may feel our deep appreciation and gratitude for their sacrifice, we pray to the Lord.  LORD, HEAR OUR PRAYER.

PER TUTTI I NOSTRI VOLONTARI:  Specialmente durante questa Settimana di apprezzamento del volontariato, preghiamo per tutti coloro che generosamente offrono il loro tempo, i loro talenti e le loro risorse per servire gli altri, affinché possano sentire la nostra profonda gratitudine per il loro sacrificio.  Preghiamo:  SIGNORE, ACCRESCI LA NOSTRA FEDE.