Extraordinary Minister

Extraordinary Minister of Communion

Human beings all over the world today need nourishment.  And this nourishment is not just to satisfy physical hunger.  There are other hungers — for love, for immortality of life, for affection, for being cared for, for forgiveness, for mercy.  This hunger can be satiated only by the bread that comes from above. Jesus himself is the living bread that gives life to the world. His body offered for our sake on the cross, his blood shed for the pardon of the sins of humanity is made available to us in the bread and wine to the Eucharist transformed in the consecration.   - POPE FRANCIS

As an Extraordinary Minister of Communion at St. Fidelis Parish, you will serve in the Eucharistic life of the community.

Your Responsibilities will include the following:

Complete the St. Fidelis Parish Liturgical Ministry Volunteer Form and return it to the Pastor.  You have an interview with the Pastor before you start.


You must be at least 18 years of age.

►You are to arrive at least 15 minutes early.  Dress in appropriate church attire and wear a robe for communion.  You are to always wear a collared shirt with the robe.  You are not to wear open-toed shoes in the summer.

►During the Rite of Communion, you are to help the Priests share the Eucharist.

►You will participate in the Mass from beginning to end.

►You should attempt to make eye contact when raising the Host and saying, “The body of Christ.”

►For non-communicants wishing to receive only a blessing, this is done by holding a hand over their head and saying, “May God bless you”.  Do not make the sign of the cross over them.

►You will be prepared to respond to any special circumstances that may arise during the Liturgy.

►You will perform all tasks with dignity and reverent.

►You will be faithful to the schedule and arrive on time.

►It will be your responsibility to find coverage if you are not able to make your scheduled weekend.  You are also to let the Pastor know if you are not coming and who your replacement is.

►Participate in rehearsals of liturgical procedures in the parish community and follow liturgical norms for this ministry, as guided by the G.I.R.M. (General Instruction of the Roman Missal) and the decision of the Pastor.

If you are interested in serving as an Extraordinary Minister of Communion, please contact the Parish Office at 416.247.8741.